Become a paid event coordinator
Want to donate your talent and host an event to raise money for a cause that is dear to you? Events are held in Long Island and the five boroughs: Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Bronx and Manhattan.
Here are some instructions:
1.Leave your name and email for contact information.
2.The subject box is the title of your event.
3.In the message body give some details about your upcoming event. Please provide: The cause your supporting, a story about why you are supporting this cause, your ticket price and your goal for the event. Also give the date, time and address of the event.
4.Events must be submitted three weeks before the actual date of event. To make changes please use the contact tab, fill out the form and we will change the details immediately.
5. After an event review you will be given a customized link to advertise your event and further instructions.
Our Office
New York,NY